
Friday, April 29, 2005


First photo album is
Second photo album is
Third photo album is
I can only upload 90 more photos into this free account. It is probable that I will take many more than that over the coming 4-5 days. If anyone can find me another place to upload stuff for free, can you post in the comments?

I am going to La Paz tonight (nowish), then to Caranavi in the morning to the telecentre there. Then Sunday morning we are going to Coroico. Monday morning back to La Paz and I hope to have time to go to Lake Titicaca before leaving La Paz at 7pm for Santa Cruz. Flights home start on Tuesday morning and within 30hrs I should be back at Newcastle, probably totally unfit to remember where my car is let alone drive it!!!

If anyone can find any links to sites with info on caranavi or coroico please do post them, I ain't had time to look beyond what I found about the road!

And all you lurkers, post a comment!!! Rotten lot. ;o)


At 3:12 PM, Blogger chris said...

Photo links work fine. Just bunged second one on CBN for you. Phil and Helen in good blow. I am staying out of it for now as I have lots of photos to sort out tonight...
I have had a quick lurk and come out of it.
Keep blogging even if the lurkers don't post. It is sometimes a pain to post if you have to register to login maybe they haven't time to go through the proceedure. As long as people read it all and are aware of what is going on that is good. Your words are not wasted. Safe trip, hope u find a cybercafe tomorrow and hope the carrots don't repeat all night

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Guy Kewney said...

Linsey, for pictures, try Flickr - it's unlimited. - you do have to join, but it's free.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger chris said...

I see Guy has posted, so Guy if you read this will you post the photos from the DTI do? You did promise me you would!


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