
Thursday, April 28, 2005


Hmm, been away over a week and running out of clothes fast so decided to ask if I could use the washing machine. There isn't one! In fact, importing washing machines might be quite lucrative as this country seems to have a massive shortage of them. The really nice 'maid' Theresa (I think but there are two of them and 4 kids and other family members etc popping in and out all the time and I'm getting confused on names!) has offered to do it for me by hand. I feel quite guilty but she insisted and at least this way I'll have a pair of clean jeans and a couple of tshirts for the next few days. My capabilities as a Mrs Tiggywinkle are limited, as I discovered in India and also in Spain when we used to wash the clothes in the river up in the mountains. However, it also means that I haven't given her all of it so I've got to lug around a load of dirty washing for the rest of the time. At that stage it gets quite tempting to jsut start binning clothes. pretty much the same attitude I have when there is loads of washing up to do! Either that or move house!


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